Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Spring 2010

Oh boy, February was my last blog post. Well, we have been busy and I have posted some pictures to highlight some of the things that kept us so busy.

We had a beautiful Spring here in New England. I feel like it came a bit early this year as well as the Summer weather. We are well into the month of June and I feel like we have enjoyed Summer weather for awhile now. Don't get me wrong.....we have had some chilly days here and there and some rain came with Spring but I think by far this has been the nicest Spring and start of Summer since we moved here six years ago.

We started off the Spring campaigning for Todd as he ran for a seat on the School Board and I was fighting to reinstate four teachers at the middle school (for 7th grade) that the school board had cut. I mentioned in my last post back in February that I had written a petitioned warrant article to reinstate this team of teachers. I also mentioned that we had our school deliberative session coming up. It came and went well. All the articles passed to move on to the ballot for election day. Once that happened our fight really started and that is when Todd decided to run for school board. Things moved quickly, signs were made and posted around town, buttons were made and passed out and a fan page for the warrant article was set up on facebook. Next thing we know our names were in the paper almost every week leading up to election day. The process was a bit stressful but a learning experience for all of us including the girls. In the end the warrant article did not pass and Todd did not get enough votes to make it on the school board. There were five people running for two seats on the school board. It was a good fight and we not only learned a lot but met a lot of people in town we didn't know before. Todd still has a year left on the school board budget committee and you can be sure it will be another heated year for the bud. committee and the school board. Emily will be in 7th grade in September with four less teachers and about 27 kids in each class.

Below are a couple pictures of us holding signs in the middle of town on a beautiful Spring morning.

Our friends, The Chantlers, came out to help us hold signs and wave to all the cars passing by. The girls counted up each wave and each honk.

Here is Todd and Michael Beck, a friend of ours who was also a candidate but didn't win either, with Michael's daughter and our girls. Thanks to Christopher for designing those awesome signs!!!

Moving right along........Every year at Reeds Ferry School they do a Father/Daughter Dance as a fundraiser. This year was the last year for Todd and Callie to attend.

They had a great time! Callie looked beautiful and so grown up.

Spring break this year we had a house full with Mom, Dad, Matthew (brother) and my niece Mia! (pictured above) We had a great week and did a lot of things with them. My next post will be all about Spring break because I have a lot of pictures!! We also had a visit with Jim, Leslie and Luke. Pictures of them as well will be in my next post.

Todd's friend, Ric Walker, came to town with the Second City troupe. They did some shows in Boston and we were able to go down to meet him for lunch and catch the last show. Ric and Todd have been friends since grade school. The show was awesome as always (we have seen second city perform in Cleveland and in NH) and so fun to watch Ric be a part of it!!
We ended May with a Memorial Day parade (the shortest and quietest parade ever in Merrimack, NH) featuring the Merrimack High School band. After the parade the crowd all gathers at the cemetery in the center of town for a short service. They do a very nice job with a song played by the high school band. Here is Todd saluting the flag during the National Anthem.

Here are the girls with a couple of Emily's friends we ran into that day. Morgan and Ashley.

The rest of the pictures are some end of the year school events.

Here is Callie with the new art teacher during the annual Art Show at Reeds Ferry. Above their heads is a picture that Callie worked on this past year in art.

Callie took part in an after school club called Orrfestra this year. The music teacher who we love and will miss dearly at Reeds Ferry ran the Orrfestra. So every Tuesday after school a large group of 4th graders met to learn and practice instruments, singing, dancing and a bit of acting. (The kids had to try out at the beginning of the year.) The kids and Mrs. Clark came up with a show that was performed near the end of the year. It was a little different from your typical musical show but is was fantastic!!! They did an awesome job. The picture above was taken the night of the performance. This is only a small group of the kids that took part in Orrfestra. Callie is right in the middle of this picture.

Every year at Reeds Ferry they have a day they call Fun Day. It is kind of like a field day but at Reeds Ferry a lot of the events involve water. Todd got up really early and headed to the school to help set up. The main event is the water slide. They cover a hill out on the playground with tarps and the fireman come with their hoses and spray water down the hill as the kids slide down it. This picture is of Todd and Callie. Todd was just finishing up and Callie was checking on things before school started.

Here is Callie and two friends, Courtney and Alex, during one of the water games. They run and get sponges out of a bucket of water and run back to fill up a bucket with the water from the sponges. First team to fill their bucket wins. Callie's team won!!

Here is Callie going down the big water slide for the last time at Reeds Ferry School as she will be moving up to the Upper Elementary school in September.

Here is Callie on one of her last Safety Patrol days. Doesn't she look like she is advertising something! Love this picture!

Here is Emily with her 6th grade teacher, Mrs. McDonald. Emily loved her and had a great year. This was taken at the 6th grade moving up ceremony. They had a slide show of pictures that were taken throughout the year....very nice and very moving! Emily will be moving up to the Middle School in September.
That is all I have in pictures for now. We have also been busy planting a garden here at Camp Beard. We had 10 trees taken down in our yard so now we have more sun. Our first garden as a family. I had a great year at work this year. I am also moving on to a new school in September. Reeds Ferry school is busting at the seams and needs two of the preschool rooms so we are moving to another elementary school here in town. Just so happens this school is attached to the Upper Elementary School so once again Callie won't have to take the bus to school. Poor Emily will not only have to take the bus but has to catch it much earlier than she has ever before. Mornings may be a bit rough at first trying to get her up and ready to go in time.
We will miss Reeds Ferry......sniff sniff. Lots of changes coming...we will embrace them!
Summertime if here and Camp Beard's pool is open and running. With the trees gone the temp is already up to 80 plus. Yipee!! We are getting ready for our trip to Ohio for three weeks. Can't wait to see everyone!
That is all for now. My next post will be all about out Spring Break and some Spring Soccer pics!

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