So....I haven't updated since Halloween. We had a busy November and December here in New Hampshire. We spent Thanksgiving in Essex, MA, with my Aunt, Uncle and cousins. Always good to see them and always grateful that they are nearby. December was filled with Christmas shopping, baking, wrapping, parties, a visit from Grandpa Buck and Grandma DeeBee, and a visit right after Christmas from Mama Ann, Papa Bob and Auntie Allison.
Below are some pictures that show and tell what we have been doing.
This picture was taken Thanksgiving day in Essex. We had a wonderful meal that "couldn't be beat" with family! This picture is of me with my cousins Brooke, Alyson and Jessica.
Here is the next generation of cousins. My two with Brooke's three.
Emily, Brady, Callie, Cameron and Emma. I took a lot of shots of these five kids and every one has some kind of crazy thing going on! I think this one Cameron was all done with pictures and telling me "no more!"
There is the trumpet section. Callie is the 5Th one in.
Also in December, Callie's school had a recital night. Anyone who played any kind of instrument could perform at the recital. Callie did a duet with her friend Rachel and a solo. I will try and get the videos uploaded. I am having a little trouble with that at the moment.
Here is Miss Saranita (band teacher) with Callie and Rachel.
On to Christmas........
Here is Todd and the girls reading How the Grinch Stole Christmas as he does every Christmas Eve. He also reads Twas The Night Before Christmas.
Our tree Christmas morning.
The Monday after Christmas Mama Ann, Papa Bob and Auntie Allison arrived from Ohio. It was so great to have them here!! We spent one day up in Portsmouth, NH, and another day down in Boston. We had so much fun with them. We even did some dancing with the Just Dance 2 for the Wii. What a riot!!! So much fun and a workout too!! Mama Ann even danced!!
Chillin' out in Faneuil Hall.....Emily, Todd, Callie, Allison and Mama Ann.
Mama Ann and Papa Bob with their pastries. Whenever in Boston, one must stop and get something at Mike's!!
As we walked up out of the North End I shot this picture of Boston. Then we headed over to the Union Oyster House and had dinner.
Papa Bob and Mama Ann enjoying their lobster.....or should I say Lobstah!!
It was sad to see them leave on Thursday morning but was glad they came!! Always nice to have people visit us here!!
We spent New Year's Eve at my friend Hope's house. Below is a picture of all the girls there. They built a huge ice rink in their back yard so all the girls had fun skating.