Sunday, August 23, 2015

Field Hockey and Soccer preseason Varsity Jamborees!

After a Summer of field hockey and soccer conditioning 2-3 times a week, last week was the beginning of each sport with double sessions of tryouts.  The girls got up early to go to their fields on the hottest week of the Summer and then returned in the evening for two more hours of scrimmages.
Emily is on Varsity this year and has improved so much.  Last year with a great new coach and playing over the Winter in tournaments has helped Emily a lot.  She has worked very hard and it shows.
Callie is on JV again this year but was asked to go to the Varsity Jamboree yesterday and not only played in all three games but also scored twice! 
I look forward to watching these girls play this season!!
Varsity Jamborees
Yesterday Callie went with the Varsity soccer team to Pembroke, NH about 40  minutes north of here. They played three games. Meanwhile, Emily went with her team to a neighboring town and played 6 shortened games.  We started out at the field hockey jamboree and watched the first four games.  Then we drove up to the soccer jamboree to catch the last soccer game.  It was a hot, sunny day but a great day for Emily and Callie!!  They both played well and were very happy at the end of the day.
Below are some pictures I took yesterday.......

Emily's Senior pictures 2015

For those of you that are not on facebook, here are Emily's senior pictures!  About a year or so ago, Emily told me that she thought I could take her senior pictures.  I was thrilled that she trusted me to do a good job and that she actually wanted her mother to take her senior pictures.  So last week we went out one morning and picked three places and this is what we got!!