Sunday, February 3, 2008


Callie gave us a real scare this week! We thought she was over the pneumonia but when she woke up Tuesday morning she had stomach pain and throwing up. At first we thought it was a reaction to the Zithromax and then thought maybe she just caught a stomach bug. The vomiting stopped in the morning but the stomach pain continued along with a fever. She spiked a fever quickly that night so I spent the night on the floor beside her bed with Todd and I checking on her all night long. By Thursday we were at our wits end. She was sleeping so much, barely eating anything and the fever would not go away even on Motrin. So back to the doctor we went. Apparently, the pneumonia was still there and it was causing the belly pain. The fever was trying to fight it I guess. Yesterday (Saturday) was the first day she went all day without a fever. Woo Hoo!! So back to school tomorrow and back to the rat race.

As for other news.... The girls both got their report cards and did very well this quarter. Emily improved greatly from last quarter. So good news there. D.I. is going strong and Emily's team is amazing. These kids have so much creativity! Callie has only been able to meet with her team once so far but will be back in it this week. Emily is starting to work on her big Gateway project. She will be doing a report on Cleopatra and then presenting it in front of many people at school on Eminent People night. She will dress like Cleopatra and give her report AS Cleopatra. Invention Convention will be coming up soon and I believe Emily has to participate in that as part of her Gateway class. Callie is thinking of some inventions herself.

So that is about all that is going on here. The weather is still messing things up with school delays and our ski club was canceled Friday night. That is ok though b/c Callie wouldn't have been able to go so we will all go next Friday night to make it up. It will be our last ski club night. This week we will get up into the 40's.....woo hoo a heat wave!

Have a great week!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your girls are so beautiful!!! You are truly blessed.....