Monday, December 15, 2008

Ice Storm December 2008

Today is day four with no power here at 21 Cabot Rd. We had a "wicked" bad ice storm Thursday night into Friday morning. All night long we heard cracking and crashing. Kind of scary. We lost power sometime during the night into Friday morning. Luckily, my wonderful husband was prepared. By 5:30am or so we had power due to the generator Todd bought a few years ago. We were able to hear on the radio that schools were closed. Of course at the time, I thought there must be something better we could spend our money on. I am so glad he bought it because it has saved us our house, food, money, etc. Not to mention sanity!! We have limited power but we have all that we need. The wood stove has been working non stop and the hot room is in full swing!! We can use the dishwasher, washing machine, dryer and computer as long as we do it one at a time. All outlets do not work but we have enough. The picture above is the little tree in our front yard. Most of the pictures I took outside came out a bit blurry. That is what happens, I guess, when you take them through the window. Oh well. Next time I will actually go outside.
The pine trees were drooping so low. This was right outside our dinning room window.

Our pool. Not too bad. There was a layer of ice on top so I don't think anything got through the cover. The fence looks intact as well.

The basketball hoop was not as lucky. Snapped right in half. Our neighbor next door had a huge limb come down on the back of his car breaking the windshield and smashing the rear end of his car.

The sun came out as it always does here after a storm. It was beautiful!! The ice was falling off the trees and glistening. Todd and Noel (Todd's dad, they just happened to be visiting us at the time) went out and cleaned up all the fallen branches. They were soaked when they came in.
We spent the rest of the day watching videos and enjoying each other's company. Cable and Internet were out until yesterday. Noel and Debbie were here and we had a great time with them. The Eelmans up the street joined us for awhile b/c their house was cold until Todd helped them get a generator set up at their house.
Our newest addition to the family, Benson, found comfort on Grandpa Buck!!
Here is Bailey relaxing in his favorite spot.
That is all for now. We are good and hoping that the power comes back on and we can get back to school. We have missed two days that we will have to pay back at the end of the year and it isn't even Christmas yet. Hopefully all our snow storms this year will be on the weekends so we don't miss a lot of days of school. They are predicting a bad Winter this year and we are just starting. Hope everyone is enjoying the Christmas season!!

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