Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sled Riding in New England

Saturday night into Sunday we got about 6 more inches of that white fluffy stuff. We decided to go sled riding. We packed up the sleds and headed to Amherst to a big sledding hill. We weren't the only ones that had this idea as the place was packed. After taking some good runs down the hill we decided to go behind us through some trees to another hill. I think we found a hidden treasure as there was only one other family there. As I looked around I was so angry at myself for not bringing my camera but I remembered I had my phone so the pictures I took are from my phone. They don't really capture how beautiful it really was out there!! My favorite picture is the one on the top of the blog with the sled to the side.

Emily and her friend, Melissa, coming down the hill.

Callie going down the hill.

Callie chilling out. Literally....it was pretty cold.And, Todd chilling out. The last picture is of the girls walking back to the other hill on our way to the car.

So far we have not missed any days of school this week but it is only Tuesday. We are getting some cold temps though. The high on Friday is supposed to be something like 9. Brrrrrrr!!!

We had our first ski club last Friday night. What a night it was. It was crazy but organized. Organized chaos maybe?? But in the end everyone came back to the lodge and all the kids and adults were accounted for. Callie had her first snowboard lesson. She loved it and stayed out on the hill until well past 9pm. She is riding Auntie Allison's old board!! She was so exhausted when we got home that she was in bed before Todd and I had the car unloaded. We were all pretty much zombies the next day but we had a good time. This week may be a no go with the freezing temps. We will see.

One last thing......We did some work on the playroom. Tore down wallpaper and repaired walls and painted. We set up a study area for the girls. Todd refinished Mama Ann's old desk for Callie. It looks awesome. You should have seen the look on Callie's face when she saw it all done with the paint she picked out and the new drawer pulls she picked out. So below is a picture of her taken last night beside her desk.

Until next time..........


BelgiumBarb said...

Great pics! Looks like you had a lot of fun. I think we traded weather. Enjoy your snow and I'll enjoy our slush. :0)

Andrea said...

Gretchen! Thank you so much for the comment...I'm so glad you told me about your blog! Your girls are so big and so cute!!!! I'm going to save your blog to my links...I'm so glad I get to keep up with your life! Tell your family I said hi!