Monday, January 14, 2008

Yet Another Snow Day

Happy New Year!! I haven't blogged since before Christmas. We have been super busy but a good busy. We had an awesome Christmas with Ann, Bob and Allison. I have included a few pictures from their visit. We spent a day in Boston ice skating on Frog Pond at Boston Common and then had a late lunch at the original Cheers. It was a beautiful sunny New England Winter day. A perfect day to be in Boston ice skating. The picture at the top of the blog is of Ben and the girls being silly. Ben lives in Maine and is a good friend of ours from Ohio. The girls call him Uncle Ben and always look forward to his visits. Ben stops here and stays a night on his way to Ohio for Christmas.
Since Christmas we have started the ski program. Todd and I are chaperones again and I am actually skiing this year. I have a group of level 3 and 4 skiers. I have trouble keeping up with them but we are having a blast. Poor Todd has a group of beginner snow boarders. The first week he never got on his board. But last Friday he got a chance to do a couple runs on his own while the kids were at their lessons. It is nice that we are all doing it together. After the bus leaves with all the other kids we stay as a family and ski later. There are a couple other families that stay too.
Another exciting thing was being a part of the New Hampshire Primary. Todd got to meet a couple of the candidates at work and we went to see John McCain speak. We got to meet McCain and shake his hand. He chatted with the girls and had one of his camera guys take our picture. I keep checking his website in hopes to see our picture posted there but no such luck yet. The day of the primary the girls and I went to vote. They were very interested in how this whole thing worked. They had a lot of questions this past month. When we were leaving the polls I was interviewed by a Boston radio station. Never heard the interview though.
The other thing that has consumed our lives lately is Destination Imagination. I am one of three team managers of Emily's team and we are having a blast. Such a great group of kids with great ideas. Saturday we went to a day of workshops at UNH. I had so much fun watching these kids create and do some improve skits. Amazing! They are creative and so funny!! If you go to the NH DI website you can see some pictures that were taken on Saturday. The home page has a photo of some of the kids at the workshop. Emily is to the right of the troll. If you click on the photo album underneath the pic you can see the rest of the pics from the day. Page 4 has most of the pictures from our team.
We are home today due to yet another Nor'easter snow storm. Maybe we can rebuild Jingle, our snowman. We had some Spring like days last week and poor Jingle shrunk to about two feet. One day we were leaving for school and Callie yelled out, "Oh no. Jingle's head fell off!" I started laughing but apparently this was not a laughing matter for Emily and Callie. They were horrified at my laughter. Oops.
So that is all for now. I will try and post more often now that the Holidays are behind us.
Happy Snow Day!!

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