Monday, August 11, 2008

Our evening with the beavers!

As our Ohio adventures continue........

One evening my dad took the girls and me to the towpath to see the dam the beavers have built there. It used to be a salvage yard but the beavers took it over and built a very impressive dam. We have been here before a couple years ago but never actually saw a beaver. This year we hit the jackpot! The towpath goes right through here. You can walk or bike through the towpath. The evening we were there a park ranger was there to answer any questions.

Here is Callie and Grandpa walking down the path to the dam.
While we waited for a beaver to come out we took some photos.
We watched the sun set on one side and a got a beautiful shot of the moon on the other side. The picture below is the sun setting and its reflection in the water.
They say the beavers come out about an hour before sunset. We waited a while and personally, I didn't think we would see one. Then all of a sudden we saw something shooting through the water and lo and behold there he was. What a site to see. He was much bigger than I expected. He jutted through the water then dove down deep so we got to see his whole body. He swam to the edge of the dam to check things out and then swam back to the lodge. The lodge was pretty impressive as well. I guess they can tell if there is a leak somewhere. Every so often they swim out to make sure things are all secure. After awhile another beaver came out to check. I now know the truth in the saying "Busy as Beavers". They would make great architects.
While we were there we saw a family of ducks swimming through the water in and out of the many lily pads. The sounds we heard were musical and we saw some snapping turtles as well. It was a fun evening!! We ended the evening at a wonderful old fashioned ice cream shop in Akron. Thanks Dad for a fun evening!

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