Saturday, October 27, 2007

Rainy Day Saturday

It is a rainy day here in New Hampshire today. Soccer games were canceled so we are just enjoying the lazy morning at home. Made some yummy cream cheese french toast, thank you Papa Bob for that one!! We think of you every time we have it.

This week was a good week. It was the last week of soccer practices. Wednesday night the parents played against the kids of Callie's team. It was a nice crisp Fall evening and we had a good parent turnout. Of course the kids won the game. It was a good fight though to the finish.

Speaking of Fall, the leaves are just about gone on my tree in the front yard. We now have a blanket of leaves underneath the tree. It is so pretty all around even though most of the leaves have fallen off the trees.

Last night Emily went to her first Halloween party without me. A friend of hers invited her to join her and a few other friends to dress up and go down to Nashua to a big Halloween festival. Emily dressed up as Cleopatra and she had a blast. She was talking a mile a minute for about an hour all about the evening. Pictures will be coming later.

For the first time since we have lived here, Reeds Ferry school will have a costume party on Halloween Day. Up to this point the rule for the school was NO COSTUMES. So the girls will be able to dress up on Wed. at school. Callie is going to be a Vampire Cheerleader. She came up with that all by herself. I was happy since we have all the things for her costume here at home. All I had to buy was black pom poms. Emily chose Cleopatra because in fourth grade if you are in Gateway (gifted and talented program) you have to participate in Eminent People night. So she has to pick someone to research and present as if she were this person. She decided over the summer she wanted to do Cleopatra. What better way to get into the character than to be her for Halloween.

We had our wood delivered this week so we will be busy tomorrow and the week following, hauling and stacking wood. This has become a tradition since we moved here to have us all do this together. When my dad was here the first year he got in on the act and we miss him every year at this time wishing he were here. Maybe next year, right Dad??

The only other thing we did this week is sign us all up for the ski club that will start right after the New Year. Todd and I will chaperone again and I will be able to actually ski this year!! Fun times!

I can't sign off without saying that the Cleveland Indians put up a good fight and we really enjoyed watching the games and rooting for our team up here in Red Sox Nation. Monday at work I was presented with a sympathy card and two black balloons from a friend. We always have next year!

Have a good week!
p.s. The photo on top of the page is from the first day of school this year.

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